The proper method of manuring is here a very important
subject for consideration—we have already treated of it at
some length in the preceding Book.[1] The only point that is
universally agreed upon is, that we must never sow without
first manuring the ground; although in this respect even there
are certain rules to be observed. Millet, panic, rape, and turnips should never be sown in any but a manured soil. If, on
the other hand, the land is not manured, sow wheat there in
preference to barley. The same, too, with fallow lands;
though in these it is generally recommended that beans should
be sown. It should be remembered, however, that wherever
beans are sown, the land should have been manured at as recent a period as possible. If it is intended to crop ground in
autumn, care must be taken to plough in manure in the month
of September, just after rain has fallen. In the same way,
too, if it is intended to sow in spring, the manure should be
spread in the winter. It is the rule to give eighteen cart-loads
of manure to each jugerum, and to spread it well before
ploughing it in,[2] or sowing the seed.[3] If this manuring,
however, is omitted, it will be requisite to spread the land
with aviary dust just before hoeing is commenced. To clear
up any doubts with reference to this point, I would here observe that the fair price for a cart-load of manure is one
denarius; where, too, sheep furnish one cart-load, the larger
cattle should furnish ten:[4] unless this result is obtained, it
is a clear proof that the husbandman has littered his cattle
There are some persons who are of opinion that the best
method of manuring land is to pen sheep there, with nets
erected to prevent them from straying. If land is not manured, it will get chilled; but if, on the other hand, it is over-manured, it becomes burnt up: it is a much better plan, too,
to manure little and often than in excess. The warmer the
soil is by nature, the less manure it requires.